Monday, July 7, 2014

Ipanema B (BdG) 7-7-2014

Olá família! Quero lhes apresentar o meu último email da minha missão! Foi uma aventura legal, um tempo de crescer e aprender, servir e amar.
Parece que tudo que vale a pena escrever acontece logo depois de mandar os emails no P-Day. 7 dias atras, foi assim:
Sunday we marked a Family Home Evening with [names redacted]. I could tell that [name redacted] was a bit hesitant about committing, and said that they wouldnt be able to give us esfihas that they always had at Family nights with us (its an arab fast food from Habib's, basically mini arab pizzas) and I told her it wasnt a problem.
Monday morning, I went preparing a message to leave with them that night, and I couldnt decide what to say. Pablo was going to be there, and two recent converts [name redacted] and [name redacted], so I wanted it to be extra special. I decided to show the video Missionay Work and the Atonement and apply it to our lives. After the Family night and lanche, Irmã [name redacted] took me aside and told me that the message I shared had answered her prayers. It was a really special moment. Even when we are feeling inadequate and unprepared, but give our best anyway, we can still do the Lords work.

Dad, I about had a heart attack when I read about the memory card. A small part of me couldnt accept that you didnt check first, but the bigger part just kind of sunk and froze. :P Master is tricksy.
Ah yeah, my temple recommend is expired. That is quite a problem. :/ Well, thats okay then, I can wait a bit. :)

Mom, could we stop at 5 Guys on the way from the airport? And this next part is kind of crazy. I want cold cereal Wednesday morning with an unopened gallon of milk. :D:D
Unfortunately, the temple wont return to the original, they already started construction on it. Its been approved and everything, but oh well. :/
You dont have to worry about making former President and Sister Souza feel obligated from your present. They liked it a lot. :)

Well, the last letter has come to a close. Sorry there isnt much news, just work as usual. We are going to pray for a miracle that [name redacted] will have the desire to be baptized this week and be prepared for baptism, which is much more important. Prayers for her and her family's behalf would be much appreciated, thanks! :)
Well, until next week!

~Elder Wille

P.S. Mom, when is the welcome home lunch? You can invite all the people that you feel appropriate. :) All the listed families can come and would be welcome if they would like.